
what is event blogging


what is event blogging

Introduction- first of all I wish you all Happy Diwali, friends you all know about what is blogging & you may have some confusion on what is event blogging??  how to start event blogging & how to earn from event blog?? don’t worry in this blog post i will clear your all doubts about  event blogging & at the end of this blog post you will know everything about event blogging so stay tuned!


Festivals bring happiness in our life & we all love festivals, do you know that in festivals time people search more about that festival for ex: tomorrow is Diwali & you want to wish to your friends & relatives what you do ?? you go to internet & search for images, wishing messages, quotes etc, am’I right?? Means the search volume on internet is very high during any festival.

Many people are doing event blogging and earning  huge money through there event blog. you can select any niche related to event blogging & can start writing on your blog. to rank your event blog you need to write high quality content.

This means starting an event blogging is profitable but wait! First lets discuss what is event blogging??

At the end of this article you will learn the  Below points

➡️What is event blogging

➡️How to start event blogging

➡️Is event blogging profitable

➡️How to earn from event blogging



What is event blogging

 we all know about festivals & we all enjoy festivals. When a person writes content related to festivals & events, for example: content on diwali, Christmas, worldcup or any events & festivals then it is know as event blogging. We can say event blogging as micro niche blogging.

Content may contain wishing messages, quotes, images etc. many people also make an wishing script & add that script to their blog. such scripts sometimes also goes viral & they are able to make a good money through their blog.


How to start event blogging

To start an event blogging you need your own blog. you can create your blog for free or you can also buy your own domain & hosting & can further install wordpress.

You can also go with free blogging platform like blogger.com which is a google product & it is easy to use. Blogger can handle a good traffic, because on festivals people search more images, wishing messages etc. & if your blog has more traffic then you can easily earn from your blog.

As you know that blogger provides free hosting & a subdomain but you can also buy your own  custom domain & can connect it with blogger. the process is very easy. I recommend you to buy your own domain & connect it with blogger, you can buy domain from most trusted websites like namecheap, godaddy, bigrock etc. buying domain will not cost you much, you can buy domain at cheap price starting from 199rs & then you can connect that domain to blogger easily.

After connecting domain to blogger now you can start writing content related to festivals.you can also add royalty free images & the best way according to me is create your own images & add it to your blog. you can use canva to design your image it is a free software.

But keep in mind to start writing before 2-3 months before the festival starts. Use target keywords to rank higher in search engine.

You need to do proper on page & off page seo of your blog to rank higher on search engine.


Is event blogging profitable

yes! It is profitable but it requires a proper strategy to earn from your blog through event blogging. You need to write an good quality content & also engaging content related to that festival or events. You can use images, make your own wishing messages.

At festival time people search more about that festival and if your blog rank on search engine then the chance of earning money through your blog increases but wait! How you can earn through event blog.


How to earn from event blogging

Below are some ways to make money through event blog.


Google adsense- you can apply your blog for google adsense and if you get approval then you can place ads on your blog & when some one will click on the end then you earn money. Event blogging is a best way to make money if you do it in a right way. You can also use alternative of google adsense to earn money through your blog.


Affiliate marketing- yes! Even through affiliate marketing you can start making money through your event blog, as you all know that in festival times people keep shopping & by placing affiliate links you can also earn good money. Just you need to apply for different affiliate program related to your event blogging niche & if you get approval then you can add affiliate link to your event blog.


 Promoting your own product- you can even promote your own product through your blog if it is related to your event blogging & can make a good sales through your blog.

Along with this there are lots of ways to make money through  blog.


Conclusion- I think now you know what is event blogging & how you can earn from event blogging. Before starting event blogging search proper keywords, in your articles use amazing headlines, write high quality content, use non-copyright free images, use responsive theme, use good hosting, use targeted  keywords, write short paragraph, write more than 1000 words, do proper seo of your blog.

Also share your event blog on different social media platforms to get high traffic to your blog.


So friends I hope that this article had helped you to know about what is event blogging & how to earn from event blogging.


Is event blogging good??

Yes it is good but if you do it in a right way & with proper strategy then you can earn huge money through event blogging.


What type of content we need to write on event blog??

Content related to events  & festivals

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